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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

VCarr: Decision Time!

(Somewhere near the end of a very very long job search)

I’m not quite sure what I’m doing with my life. But I do know that I just negotiated a better salary than I could have made in the US. So I guess that means I’m moving to Korea. And I think…. that is…. ok. This might be confirmation bias at work (thanks Russian Commando), but either way I think, I think it’s a good idea.

I held out until the bitter end in my career search and I got exactly what I wanted: a job aboard… only I should have specified that “abroad” really just meant London… or Paris, or any part of Western Europe actually, or maybe Canada, or even the “safe” places in South America. I suppose I should have been a bit more specific sending my request to God. Be careful what you wish for because technically Korea is “abroad.” It might be in a country that is theoretically still at war, and it might be situated right next to potential nuclear conflict, but I didn’t tell God that those things would be an issue. So, there you go. I’m moving to Seoul, Korea… because I got exactly what I wished for.

When I left advertising for business school, I always said I would only go back to advertising for the right boss, the right position and the right salary. And, well, I got all of those things (and to be completely honest, a little bit more). So back to advertising I go.  In all fairness, business school did try to warn me. My pre-business school career assessment tests told me that I should be an advertising account executive… which happened to be exactly what I was doing before business school.  And now, after business school, I’ve spent upwards of a $100K; invested countless hours learning from professors; and generally letting the MBA machine try to turn me into something different— something better. But after two years of school, the result is simply me being pretty much the same person that I was before, still enjoying doing mostly the same work that I did before (and some new stuff), but with a higher paying job.  Which I think is ok. Although, this, too could be confirmation bias at work.  (Darn those organizational behavior classes!).


  1. SO EXCITED FOR YOU BESTIE!!!! The Koreans are going to <3 you!!! Can't wait for all the hilarious blog posts that are coming my O

  2. hooray! can;t wait ti hear all the stories! Olivia, when are we going to visit :)
